Goldsboro Burglary Attorney
Experienced and Informed Legal Representation for Your Defense
Have you been accused of or arrested for burglary? Pittman Agner is here to defend you. We will provide the experienced and informed legal representation you deserve to obtain as favorable an outcome as possible. Burglary crimes are felonies that carry months to years in prison, and our burglary lawyers understand how important it is to fight all the way to the end. We will explain all your legal options to you and help you make an informed decision about your future as a defendant, whether you have been accused of burglary or a lesser crime of breaking and entering.
Learn more about your defense options in an initial consultation with Pittman Agner.
What Is the Legal Definition of Burglary in North Carolina?
In North Carolina, burglary, also called home invasion, is the crime of forcibly entering someone’s house (i.e., breaking and entering) with the intent of committing a crime. Crimes often associated with burglary are breaking and entering and trespassing. Legally speaking, a crime of burglary occurs as soon as the defendant enters a building or vehicle with the illicit intent to commit a crime, even if the intended felony or theft never actually occurs.
"Breaking and entering" refers to using any amount of force to enter a building without permission, including simply opening an unlocked door. Burglary is typically punished more severely as a first degree burglary if the dwelling is occupied, but it can be charged as second degree burglary if the dwelling is not occupied.
Breaking and entering buildings other than homes with the intent to commit a felony or terrorize an inhabitant is considered "felonious breaking and entering,” such as entering a warehouse to steal from it.
It is also a crime in North Carolina to possess tools that force entry into buildings or vehicles. For instance, it may be a crime to possess, without good reason, a lock pick or key that facilitated breaking into a building.
Criminal Penalties for Crimes of Burglary
Burglary crimes are penalized based on the severity of the offense:
- First degree burglary: Class D felony punishable by 38-160 months in prison
- Burglary with explosives: Class D felony punishable by 38-160 months in prison
- Second degree burglary: Class G felony punishable by 8-31 months in prison
- Burglary of a vehicle: Class I felony punishable by 3-12 months in prison
Breaking and entering crimes are punishable based on the type of building. For instance, breaking and entering a place of worship is a Class G felony, while standard crimes of breaking and entering are generally Class 1 misdemeanors punishable by up to 120 days in jail and some amount in fines. Breaking and entering a building to commit a crime or cause injury or terror is charged as a Class H felony punishable by 4-25 months' imprisonment.
Offenders who have prior offenses for felony burglary or breaking and entering will face enhanced penalties no matter the circumstances of the offense, typically a sentence of at least 15-36 months in prison.
Schedule an initial consultation with our burglary lawyers at Pittman Agner to get started today.
Get Started With Pittman Agner Today
If you have been accused of burglary or breaking and entering, our defense attorneys at Pittman Agner are here to help. We can take a detailed look at your case to identify strong points of defense we can build out. We are committed to defending the wrongly accused, and you can count on us to provide rigorous and respectful representation as we fight for your defense.