Goldsboro Violent Crime Lawyer
Comprehensive Violent Crimes Defense from a Team of Respectful and Aggressive Attorneys
One of the most serious categories of crimes is violent offenses. A domestic violence conviction could take away your custody rights, or a murder charge could put you behind bars for life. Whatever violent crime you have been accused of our defense lawyers at Pittman Agner are ready to take on your case.
Schedule an initial consultation with Pittman Agner to learn more.
Violent crimes we defend clients against include:
- Assault and battery: Assault and battery is typically a misdemeanor crime charged as a Class 2 misdemeanor if only minor injury occurs or as a Class A1 or Class 1 misdemeanor if it involves serious injuries. Domestic violence is also usually a Class A1 misdemeanor. Certain assault and battery against special victims like law enforcement or offenses involving a deadly weapon may be charged as a Class E or Class C felony.
- Murder: North Carolina classifies murder into first-degree murder, which is a premeditated killing of another person, and second-degree murder, which is an intentional, malicious killing of another person without premeditation. First-degree murder is a Class A felony and second-degree murder is a Class B1 felony.
- Manslaughter: Manslaughter can be charged as either voluntary manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter refers to an intentional killing resulting from provocation (e.g., in a "heat of passion”), and involuntary manslaughter is an unintentional killing resulting from criminally negligent or reckless behavior. Manslaughter is a lesser crime than murder.
- Vehicular manslaughter: Vehicular manslaughter, or “death-by-vehicle,” occurs when a driver causes the death of another person while committing a traffic violation other than drunk driving (misdemeanor death-by-vehicle) or when they cause the death of another person while driving under the influence.
We will take out the aggression on the prosecution and do our best to help you obtain the justice you deserve in the face of harsh or wrongful allegations.
Whether you have been accused of murder or vehicular manslaughter, Pittman Agner is here to help you resolve your case from beginning to end. We can build a strategy for arguing your voluntary manslaughter charge down to involuntary manslaughter, or we can prove that the evidence used by the prosecution in your case has been unlawfully obtained. We have a toolbox of defense methods that we will use in your violent crimes case, tailored to your unique situation. Let our experienced trial lawyers take on your defense today.
Schedule an initial consultation with our defense attorneys at Pittman Agner to get started on your defense today.
How We Can Help
If you have been charged with a violent crime, whether a misdemeanor or a felony, it is critical that you consult an experienced defense attorney immediately. Our attorneys at Pittman Agner have years of experience fighting for clients in criminal court, and we can take a closer look at your case to determine the most feasible defense options for your unique situation. Having a good defense attorney could make the difference between getting a maximum sentence and a minimum sentence for your violent crime charge; do not risk a conviction without letting a skilled lawyer from Pittman Agner champion your defense.