Goldsboro Weapons Offense Attorney
Advocating for Your Firearm Rights in Goldsboro, NC
There are several state and federal laws concerning weapons possession and use, such as concealed carry and possession by a felon. Our attorneys at Pittman Agner can answer all your legal questions about your firearm rights in North Carolina. We take an educational approach to our practice, making sure that you understand all the relevant laws in your case and the grounds for your charges so that we can better combat them. We will advocate fiercely for your firearm rights if they have been infringed upon, and we will do our best to safeguard your constitutional right to gun ownership.
Work with a firm that was founded on justice. Let Pittman Agner defend your weapons rights today. Schedule an initial consultation to get started.
Concealed Carry in North Carolina
Open carry of a gun without a permit is legal in North Carolina without a permit, as long as the individual carrying is at least 18 years old and not carrying in an off-limits area, such as a school.
Concealed carry is legal for residents who have a North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) and for non-residents with any valid permit from another state, granted that the holder is at least 21 years old.
In all other cases, it is illegal in North Carolina to carry a concealed gun, unless you are on your own property or you are a law enforcement officer or on-duty military servicemember.
Violating the above carry laws could result in either a criminal infraction punishable by a $100 fine if you have a valid permit but did not have it with you to show a police officer or a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by 1-60 days of active, intermediate, or community punishment for carrying concealed without a permit.
You may also be charged with a Class 2 misdemeanor in North Carolina if you carry a dangerous weapon concealed, such as a stun gun, bowie knife, dagger, slung shot, metal knuckles, razor, or any other similar deadly weapon, unless you do so on your own property.
Even if you have the legal right to possess a weapon, though, you may be charged with a weapons offense if you use the weapon illegally, such as by:
- Pointing a gun at someone: Class A1 misdemeanor
- Discharging a firearm onto occupied property: Class E felony
- Assaulting someone with a deadly weapon: Class C felony or Class E felony, depending on intent and actual injury
Who Cannot Possess a Weapon?
While every resident has the constitutional right to own a firearm, there are certain situations in which a person may not be legally eligible to possess a gun. In particular, the following individuals are prohibited from possessing guns or other weapons according to North Carolina law:
- Convicted felons: It is a Class G felony to buy or possess a firearm, bomb, or other weapon of mass destruction if you have previously been convicted of a felony (unless you have been pardoned or had your firearms rights restored).
- Domestic violence offenders: It is a Class H felony to buy or possess a firearm or ammunition while you are subject to a domestic violence protective order or if you have been convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor.
- Minors under the age of 18: It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for a minor to intentionally possess a handgun unless they are hunting outside city limits with parental permission or engaging in educational or recreational activities while being supervised by an adult. It is a Class 2 misdemeanor for adults to allow children under the age of 12 to have access to dangerous firearms without supervision.
It is also strictly against the law to possess a weapon while drinking or under the influence, even if you hold a permit. This is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Your rights to gun ownership are important. Our attorneys at Pittman Agner understand how much your weapons case matters to you, especially if you believe your rights have been infringed upon, and we will provide informed and assertive legal representation to advocate for your weapons rights.
Schedule an initial consultation with Pittman Agner to discuss your case in more detail.
Areas Where Weapons Are Prohibited
North Carolina law also establishes certain places where dangerous weapons are prohibited, such as:
- on schools or at school-sponsored activities (e.g., public or private K-12 schools, school buses, colleges, university campuses);
- places where alcohol is sold and consumed;
- parades, funeral processions, picket lines, and demonstrations;
- courthouses, law enforcement or correctional facilities, and certain government property; and
- private property with posted notices specifically prohibiting concealed handguns.
There are exceptions to the above for military personnel, law enforcement officers, and security guards, though an experienced attorney can better assess the situation. In most cases, it is a Class 1 misdemeanor to carry weapons to these locations unless you have a concealed carry permit, in which case you will be charged with a Class 2 misdemeanor. Carrying on educational property, however, is a Class I felony, and it becomes a Class F felony if you discharge the weapon.